Currently anyone in the ICS, who is working to better the lives of our residents, is welcome to come and use the CO-LAB to help innovate.
Whether you're from a Care Home, Hospital, GP, Council, Voluntary Service, School, University etc you are welcome (but please contact us first!).
We're also commited to collaborating with companies and external innovators.
Please contact us if you're interested in holding an event here or demonstrating your technology.
It's a great space to hold a workshop, have a gathering to think about a challenge or to try some of the latest innovations.
- You could book an individual pod to chat with colleagues...
- Visit to try some of the interesting demo technology...
- Book the large meeting room for an innovation workshop...
- Book the whole Hub for a launch event, workshop or training day...
Please contact us at: hw.
to have a chat about visiting or being further involved!