YP Wellbeing Image.pngWell-being includes physical health and mental health and may also encompass spiritual, emotional, and psychological aspects. These resources may provide you with the tools to nurture and care for your own well-being. 

Emotional Well-being

CYP Website Icon.pngLooking after yourself - Healthy Minds (whct.nhs.uk) Resources for mental wellbeing including links to websites, relaxation techniques and self-help guides (including easy read information). 

CYP Website Icon.pngMental Health Support For Young People (YoungMinds) Resources to maintain your mental health.

CYP Website Icon.pngEvery Mind Matters (www.nhs.uk) Information and resources for everyone regarding the self-care of their mental health.

CYP Website Icon.pngCAMHS Resources (camhs-resources.co.uk) Resources to assist you in maintaining your mental health and wellbeing.

CYP Website Icon.png12-15 Years | School Mental Health (hacw.nhs.uk) Specific resources for those aged 12-15 including information on adolescence and emotional wellbeing. 

CYP Website Icon.pngMental Health and Wellness (herefordmedicalgroup.co.uk) Hereford Medical Group: Mental Health and wellness. Contains useful links to information on mental health and wellbeing. 

CYP Website Icon.pngManaging worry and living with uncertainty (Teenage Cancer Trust) Webpage explaining anxiety and sharing information and tips on how to manage it.

 CYP Website Icon.pngMindout.org.uk National charity that offering mental health support including counselling, peer support, advocacy and online support to anyone who identifies as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans or Gender Diverse, Queer, Intersex or Asexual/Aromantic (LGBTQIA+) or who is questioning their sexuality or gender identity.

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) provides specialist mental health services for children and young people up to 18 years old and supports their families/carers. 

CYP Website Icon.png   CAMHS Herefordshire 

CYP Website Icon.png   CAMHS Worcestershire 

Physical Well-being

CYP Website Icon.pngTeensleephub.org.uk Teen Sleep Hub has information and advice to help you achieve a good night’s sleep.

CYP Website Icon.pngHow to sleep better The Teenage Cancer Trust has information about sleep and provides tips on how to improve it.

CYP Website Icon.pngBreathing exercises to help you manage anxiety and relax  The Teenage Cancer Trust has information on breathing exercises including a video to talk you through a technique.

CYP Website Icon.pngLet's talk about sex, intimacy and relationships A collection of resources providing information on sex and relationships from the Open University. Resources include an interactive video experience for you to explore the challenges you may face around sex.

CYP Website Icon.pngSexual Health & Wellbeing (Brook) Resources for young people including sex and relationships information. 

CYP Website Icon.pngStarting Well Provides support for young people in areas including mental health, sex and relationships, drug and alcohol misuse.

The charity, Mind suggests that bereavement is the experience of losing someone important to us and is characterised by grief, which is the process and the range of emotions we go through as we gradually adjust to the loss. There are resources available to support you if you experience the loss of a friend or relative. 

CYP Website Icon.png   What does grief feel like? (Mind) Support, information on bereavement and links to additional resources

CYP Website Icon.png   Cruse Bereavement support charity. 

CYP Website Icon.png   Bereavement support (Talk Community Directory) Bereavement support information for Herefordshire.

CYP Website Icon.png   Bereavement support (Worcestershire County Council) Bereavement support information for Worcestershire.