If you are the parent or carer of a young person with a learning disability, you may find these resources useful.
Learning disabilities (www.nhs.uk) Basic information on Learning disabilities from the NHS including Annual health checks and how to get support.
Why annual health checks are so important for people with a learning disability (Mencap) Information on why Annual Health Checks are important for people with a learning disability
Managing stress as a parent (Scope UK) Advice from Scope on managing stress when caring for a disabled child.
Disability Support Project (dspuk.org.uk) Based in Redditch. Support and information.
Family Fund Small grant programme you may be eligible for is you’re raising a disabled or seriously ill child or young person.
Local offer special educational needs and disabilities (Herefordshire Council) SEND local offer for Herefordshire
SENDIASS Worcestershire and Herefordshire SENDIASS webpage on preparing for adulthood
SENDIASS Worcestershire and Herefordshire SENDIASS webpage on preparing for adulthood