Whatever stage we are at in our lives, it can be useful to plan for the future. For the young person you care for, this may involve planning for the end of their life, which may happen at any point along their transition journey or in early adulthood. The resources below can help you understand Advance Care Planning and provide tools to help you think about the future. A Recommended Summary Plan for Emergency Care and Treatment (ReSPECT) is used in Adult’s services in Herefordshire and Worcestershire as a way of planning for the future and communicating individual wishes.
Resuscitation recommendations on ReSPECT plans for young adults Resuscitation Council UK Resuscitation in young adults with palliative care needs & 'modified CPR' on ReSPECT plans.
Why plan ahead? (www.nhs.uk) NHS website with information about the importance of planning for the future and how to do it.
Herefordshire & Worcestershire ICS Advance Care Planning Information Information, guidance & resources for advance care planning including My Wishes & patient leaflet.
Getting started with planning ahead (mariecurie.org.uk) Marie Curie provides information on planning ahead and resources to help you.
Planning ahead if you're LGBTQ+ (mariecurie.org.uk) Planning ahead can be challenging for everyone but if the young person you care for is LGBTQ+, they may have specific concerns or questions about getting the care they need in the future and sorting out practical things. Marie Curie provides helpful insight and resources for planning ahead.
Difficult Conversations for Young Adults (Together for Short Lives) This resource is designed to help you, and the professionals who support you and your young person, to approach conversations with young people about their end of life plans.
FamRes-Parents-Guide-to-Critical-Care-Choices.pdf (togetherforshortlives.org.uk) Information to support you when you are thinking about the critical care options for the young person you care for.
ReSPECT (clarity.co.uk) The ReSPECT hub is a page where Health and Care workers in Herefordshire and Worcestershire can access local resources and information regarding the ReSPECT process. There are useful resources for patients including key contacts and downloadable patient leaflets. The Resus Council UK (RCUK) ReSPECT | Resuscitation Council UK provides national resources and direct support for patients and their families.
ReSPECT for Patients and Carers (Resuscitation Council UK) Information on ReSPECT for Patients and Carers.
MyWishes: Free Will Writing, Digital Legacy, Advance Care Plan & Funeral Software My Wishes website (affiliated to Michael Sobell Hospice, in Hillingdon) provides access to free tools such as writing a will, making plans for future healthcare, leaving goodbye messages and creating a digital legacy on the website.
universal-principles-for-advance-care-planning.pdf (england.nhs.uk) Sets out six high level principles for advance care planning in England. It is for the person, those important to them, practitioners and organisations involved in supporting advance care planning conversations and honouring their outcomes.