Blue logo.pngWelcome to the resource hub for the parents, carers, partners, or other loved ones involved with the care of a young person who may be nearing the later stages of their life. On these pages you will find information and resources to support you and the person you care for on their transition journey to adult services, to live well and to plan for the future.If you have questions about the information found in these resources, we would recommend you speak to a trusted healthcare or social care worker.​​​​​​

Herefordshire Council have co-produced the Herefordshire All-Age Carers Strategy 2024-29 with involvement from partner agencies, community organisations and carers themselves to provide support to carers around the county. 

For further information about the Herefordshire All-Age Carers Strategy you can contact: John Burgess


Worcestershire County Council have also produced the Carer Friendly Worcestershire - All Age Carers strategy 2021 – 2026. Through joint working between Health, Social Care, the voluntary and community sector, and carers themselves, they have improved support services for carers. 

For further information about the Worcestershire All Age Carers Strategy you can contact: Nicola Povey
