We know that people with a learning disability are among the most marginalised individuals within our local communities.
They are more likely to experience mental health needs, dementia, psychological distress and anxiety, respiratory conditions, diabetes and epilepsy. Around 50% of the learning disability population will have at least one significant long-term health condition The identification of health need is often delayed and may result in late stage diagnosis and poorer prognosis. Too often people with a learning disability present in health crisis and access urgently sought, bed-based services for conditions that may have been more proactively managed through robust care coordination.
Programmes of work are underway to reduce these health inequalities. Using co-production we are working closely with experts and carers to redesign services in order for people to experience more control over their care and achieve longer, happier and healthier lives.
We have put into place a system of Care and Treatment Reviews that provide care closer to home, by avoiding the use of locked hospital placements wherever possible or helping people to receive care within their local communities at the first available opportunity. We have worked together to design and deliver education to improve awareness of the causes of premature death for people with a learning disability and support preventative action.
Reasonable adjustments
Under the Equality act 2010, organisations have a legal duty to make changes in their approach or provision to ensure that services are as accessible to people with disabilities as they are for everybody else. These changes are called reasonable adjustments.
For more information about reasonable adjusments, read our care plan. Just click on the link below:
Reasonable adjustment care plan
Alternatively, you can watch this helpful video if you prefer
Information for Health Professionals
LDA Health Checks and Health Plans :: Herefordshire and Worcestershire Integrated Care System contains resources to help support the Annual Health Check (AHC), creation of Health Action Plans (HAP) and Learning Disability and Autism resources in general.
CSI - Learning Disabilities - AHC & HAP template
Here are some useful resources on Syndrome specific checks and Learning disability:
Here are some usefull general resources:
- Learning disabilities toolkit
- BTS Clinical Statement on the prevention and management of community-acquired pneumonia in people with learning disability
- Webinar for Looking after our health and lungs
- AHC Study September 2024 - Study Day slide pack
- LeDeR Resource bank
- Learning_Disabilities_Toolkit_v2.pdf - Acute Care toolkit by Royal College Emergency Medicine - also applicable to primary care
- Prevention of Adult Not Brought Strategy « Learning Disability Network -
- Easy Health | Home - Easy read leaflets
- Health — Easy Reader - Easy Read leaflets
- Beyond Words - Picture books on health
For Parent and Carers
Learning Disability - Down syndrome - Williams syndrome | Mencap
Downs Syndrome information on Reasonable Adjustments
Learning Disability Register for parents and carers
Learning Disability England – Stronger, Louder, Together!
Looking after our health and lungs
See General Resources folder for easy read information
SEND Local Offer | Worcestershire County Council
Welcome to SENDIASS Herefordshire and Worcestershire | Worcestershire County Council
Worcestershire Association of Carers
Advocacy :: Onside, Worcestershire & Herefordshire
Get in contact with Adult Social Care | Worcestershire County Council
Contact adult social care – Herefordshire Council
Autism West Midlands - Embracing Difference, Empowering People
Common health conditions: Some useful advise
If you are having issues with your bowels, there are some useful resources available in this section.
- Trouble pooing
- Are you worried about your poo?
- Poo Matters - Information for health professionals
- POO Matters - Information for families and carers
- Bristol Stool Chart (england.nhs.uk)
- Constipation Awareness Video - Poobusters: constipation awareness video
- CIDER (Cornwall NHS) constipation Guidance
- Laxative Prescribing Guidelines
- Constipation Questionnaire
Here are some helpful online resources about the impact of Dementia
- Dementia and Downs syndrome
- Easy Read dementia factsheets
- Learning disabilities and dementia - Dementia UK
- Dementia: Learning Disabilities leaflet: family/carer information
- Dementia Pathway Pack – H&W referral information
- Easy Read-Dementia LD-poster
Here are some useful online resources on diabetes and learning disabilities.
- Improving care for people with diabetes and a learning disability | Diabetes UK
- Diabetes Passport for Herefordshire and Worcestershire: My Diabetes Passport
- Diabetes and your eyes
- Diabetic eyescreening
Here are some useful online resources on epilepsy and learning disabilities:
- Guide to help treat people with epilepsy and learning disabilities
- Carers of people with epilepsy and a learning disability - Epilepsy Action
- Clive Treacey Checklist Guidance
- Leaflets & downloads - SUDEP Action
- Easy read section in addition to parent and carers
- Reducing risk leaflet for parents and carers
- Parents and Carers leaflet
Here are some useful online resources about hearing and learning disabilities:
SeeAbility useful information for looking after your eyesight.
There is further useful information on the diabetes section of this page.
Here are some useful online resources on heart health and learning disabilities:
Here are some useful resources on respiratory conditions and learning disability:
- Flu vaccinations: supporting people with learning disabilities
- Protect yourself from flu, have the flu vaccine – Easy read
- Flu vaccinations for people with a learning disability
- BTS Clinical Statement on the prevention and management of community acquired pneumonia in people with learning disability
- Asthma - Learning Disability Service
- Looking after our health and lungs- Webinar
- NHS England » RightCare learning disability and aspiration pneumonia scenario -
- Pneumona deep dive canva version - LeDeR & Kings College London 2024 report
General Medical Advice
Here are some useful resources on vaccines and learning disability:
- General overview of vaccines easy read- Vaccines | Mencap
- Protect yourself from flu, have the flu vaccine
- Get your free flu jab – for people with a learning disability
Here are some useful resources on medicatino reviews and learning disability:
- NHS England » Stopping over medication of people with a learning disability and autistic people (STOMP) and supporting treatment and appropriate medication in paediatrics (STAMP)
- Stopping Over-Medication of People with a Learning Disability, Autism or Both – GP information
- Why medication may not be the best answer leaflet for families/carers?
- Infromation for families/carers of person who may be considered (or is on) for anti-psychotropic medication
- Health and Care of People with Learning Disabilities, Experimental Statistics 2022 to 2023 - NHS England Digital
- E-learning - New sessions available on stopping over-medication of people with a learning disability and autistic people - elearning for healthcare
- Information and guidance - Challenging Behaviour Foundation
www. - family & Carer report 2016challengingbehaviour.org.uk/ wp-content/ uploads/ 2021/ 03/ stompfamilycarerperspective210517.pdf -
» Printable leaflets- Choice and Medication© Leaflets are designed to help service users, carers and family members understand their medicines better, and to make more informed decisions - easy read options
ReSPECT resources | Resuscitation Council UK – Large section of easy read resources
Making decisions- Easy read
Feelings you might have when someone dies – Easy read by Marie Curie
The end of life- Easy read
Easy read cancer information | Macmillan Cancer Support
Talking about death, and making sure people listen - Dimensions
General Good Health
Here are some useful resources on staying healthy and learning disability:
Breast Screening
An Easy Guide to Breast Screening
Cervical Screening
Accessing cervical screening with the right support for people with a learning disability
Cervical screening easy read guide
Cervical screening easy to read guide
Bowel Screening
How to do the bowel cancer screening test
Here are some useful online resources on Men's health and learning disabilities:
Here are some useful online resources on Menopause, Women's health and learning disabilities:
Here are some useful online resources on Tansgender health and learning disabilities:
Here are some useful online resources on teenage health and learning disabilities: