Published on: 17 June 2024

Health leaders across Herefordshire and Worcestershire are supporting Cervical cancer awareness week (17-23 June) by urging those eligible to book their cervical screening, which can help stop cancer before it starts.  

Women and people with a cervix aged 25-64 are eligible for a screening, which checks the health of your cervix, and acts as a preventative measure against cervical cancer. Women under 50 are reminded to make an appointment with their GP every three years. For those aged 50 to 64, it’s every five years. Those registered as male will need to request a booking with their GP, as they will not be automatically invited to make an appointment.

Anyone who qualifies for a test, but missed their last one, should contact their GP, and not wait for their next invite. Recent figures show that around a third fail to attend their cervical screenings, putting them at greater risk of HPV and other serious conditions.

Two women die every day from cervical cancer in England. Yet it is one of the most preventable cancers and getting screened can help stop it before it starts. It has been estimated that in England, they prevent 70% of cervical cancer deaths, and that if everyone attended screening regularly, that number would be up to 83%.

Dr Louise Bramble, GP and Women’s Health Lead for NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire said: “For many women, cervical screening tests are not painful. But if you are worried that you may find the test uncomfortable, remember you are in control and can ask your clinician to stop at any time. Cervical screening takes only a few minutes but can save your life. Don’t delay in contacting your GP to book your screening if you are eligible.”