Published on: 13 August 2024

NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire is delighted to announce that the Home for Lunch Campaign has been shortlisted for the Communications Initiative of the Year Award at the HSJ Awards, recognising an outstanding contribution to healthcare and securing a place at the prestigious awards ceremony later this year.

1350+ entries have been received for this year’s Awards, with 234 projects and individuals reaching the final shortlist. The high volume and exceptional quality of applications showcases the impressive levels of innovation and care continually being developed within the UK’s healthcare networks.

Following the thorough judging process, NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire was shortlisted, ahead of the official awards ceremony to be held later this year (21st November), with its Home for Lunch campaign standing out as a real ‘success story’ worthy of a prized place on the panel’s shortlist.

The Home for Lunch campaign was developed by health and care partners across Herefordshire and Worcestershire, launched in October 2023, with the aim to see more patients leaving hospital earlier in the day, so they can be Home for Lunch.

The campaign has been hugely successful, with marked increases in hospital discharges earlier in the day means patients can get home in daylight hours and has many benefits, it is brighter, warmer and safer to make the journey and get settled back into normal life. It also reduces risks of a fall or other injury, and research shows that prolonged  stay in a hospital bed can have a significant negative impact on someone’s health. 

Simon Trickett, Chief Executive of NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire said: “We are delighted to be shortlisted for at the HSJ Awards 2024. It will be a huge boost for our dedicated and hardworking teams. Massive congratulations especially to every who worked on the initiative from the campaign creatives to frontline ward staff ensuring people were able to be discharged home to friends and families earlier in the day and our communities for supporting us.

“Whatever the result ‘on the night’, we already feel like winners for getting this far and are so proud to have the opportunity to share our success with colleagues from across the entire sector, as well as showcasing everything we’ve learnt through implementing our campaign.”

HSJ editor Alastair McLellan, adds; “It always gives me great pleasure to congratulate our finalists at this stage of the judging process and this year is no exception as we acknowledge for being shortlisted in the category of Communications initiative of the year.

“However, it’s always important to remember that the HSJ Awards are not just a celebration of success stories but also a platform to shape the future of the NHS.

“We can’t wait to welcome our finalists to the awards ceremony in November and to recognise and applaud such impressive achievements across the sector. Huge thanks also go to our headline partner, Vodafone Business, who share our mission of driving the standard of healthcare excellence and creating better patient experiences.”

The selected winners will be announced during the awards ceremony at Evolution London on 21st November 2024.

The full list of nominees for the 2024 HSJ awards can be found at alongside details of the Awards partners at