Published on: 30 May 2022

Appointments have been confirmed for the new NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire Integrated Care Board.

The Integrated Care Board is set to take over from NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) on 1 July 2022. It will be part of the Herefordshire and Worcestershire Integrated Care System and will be responsible for improving health outcomes for our local population, reducing health inequalities, and supporting broader social and economic development. 

It will do this through ensuring more effective joined up working with local partners across health, social care, voluntary and community sectors. It will allocate almost £1.5 billion of NHS resources and ensure that services are in place to deliver the ambitions that are jointly agreed with local partners.

The new Board membership comprises of:


  • Crishni Waring

The Chair is responsible for the effective leadership of the Board, working closely with the leaders and chairs of all partner organisations

Non-Executive Members

  • Dr Sarah Raistrick | Non-Executive Member for Health Inequalities and Engagement
  • David Wightman | Non-Executive Member for Appointments and Remuneration

Non-Executive Members act as independent members of the Board, helping to shape the long-term plan for the local NHS as well as collectively hold the Executive Team to account for planning and delivery

In addition to the roles described above, we are currently formalising the appointment of the Non-Executive Member for Audit and Governance.

Executive Members

  • Simon Trickett | Chief Executive
  • Dr Kathryn Cobain | Chief Nursing Officer
  • Dr Will Taylor | Chief Medical Officer
  • Mark Dutton | Chief Finance Officer

Executive Members are responsible for providing effective leadership to the organisation, and for delivery against the long-term plan

Partner Members

  • Dr Nikki Burger | Primary Care
  • Dr Nigel Fraser | Primary Care
  • Sarah Dugan | NHS Trust
  • Matthew Hopkins | NHS Trust
  • Jane Ives | NHS Trust
  • Paul Robinson | Local Authority
  • Paul Walker | Local Authority

Partner Members bring the perspective of primary, secondary, and social care from across Herefordshire and Worcestershire

The inaugural meeting of the NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire Integrated Care Board will be held in public on Friday 1 July. Details about this meeting, and how you can join online will be shared with partners and members of the public in due course.