Moving - Square Social Asset.pngYou should start to feel your baby move between around 16 to 24 weeks of pregnancy.

Once your baby starts to move, it should keep on moving.

You should start to recognise a pattern and it shouldn’t stop.



Phone - Square Social Asset.pngIf the movement stops, slows down, or changes - or you’re worried for any reason – pick up the phone.

Call Maternity Triage immediately.

We’d rather you called to get checked. Don’t keep your worries to yourself.



  • Triage at Worcestershire Royal Hospital: 01905 733196

  • Triage at County Hospital, Hereford: 07990 986517


Doppler - Square Social Asset.pngDo not use a home Doppler. Home Doppler tests are not reliable.

Even if you detect a heartbeat it doesn’t mean your baby is well.

If your baby’s movements change, call Maternity Triage.




Further information and useful links:


Learn more about your baby's movements.